Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Club Night 2nd November 2010

A record attendance of members and visitors were rewarded with an absolutely absorbing evening of music. The evening started with a DVD presentation of the Club's Clavinova being played by Glynn Madden of the UK. A few UTube video clips were shown at the start of proceedings also which had the house rolling about with laughter! Then, a Japanese visitor, Mayu Murakami, played our Clavinova with two popular Japanese ballads. Yvonne Moller then entertained us on her lovely Korg Pa1X keyboard and followed by Marlene Forrest on the Clavinova - well played ladies. To finish the first-half, Alan Dadson, played three pieces on the Technics GA3 organ and then a piece of the Clavinova - nicely played Alan and thanks for all the pre-work to become familiar with our GA3.

Mayu Murakami playing the Yamaha Clavinova CVP-509                         Yvonne Moller playing her Korg Pa1X

Marlene Forrest playing the Clavinova

Alan Dadson playing the Techncis GA3                               Alan Dadson playing the Clavinova

The Second-half of the evening was passed-over to our special guest artists, Darren Smith (National Retail Manager for MusicWorks) and Murray Hancox (Piano/keyboard Manager at Atwaters MusicWorks, Hobson Street, Auckland City), Wow, did they turn-on a fantastic concert with a great selection and variety of songs that also brought-out the gorgeous sounds and styles that the Clavinova CVP-509 is capable of as well as the magnificent newly released Yamaha Tyros 4. These magnificent instruments can be further inspected at Atwaters Musicworks, Hobson Street, Auckland City where Murray Hancox is the Piano/Keyboard Manager (Phone: (09) 303 1919).

Guest artist Darren Smith playing the Yamaha Clavinova CVP-509                  Darren Smith playing the pre-release version of the new Yamaha Tyros 4

Guest artist Murray Hancox playing the pre-release verson of the latest Yamaha Tyros 4                 Guest artist Murray Hancox playing the Yamaha Clavinova CVP-509

To finish the concert, Murray Hancox and Darren Smith played some songs as duets              To finish the concert, Murray Hancox and Darren Smith played some songs as duets. As an encore, Murray and Darren played some Rock'N Roll that brought the house down!

A big thank you to the Committee and support members for making the evening go so smoothly and oh how the Big Screen facilitates a grand-stand view from anywhere in the House. Supper was provided by Alan Wilkins and support members - thanks Alan for stepping into the breach whilst Delyse Whorwood recovers from surgery.


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