Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tyros 4 Launch

Atwaters Musicworks launched the new Yamaha arranger keyboard flagship - the Tyros 4. An enthusiastic audience enjoyed Musicworks National Demonstrator, Andy Keys, highlight the exciting new sounds and features of the latest iteration of the venerable Tyros - the Tyros 4. Atwaters Musicworks, Piano and Keyboard Manager, Murray Hancox, finished off the hour and a half launch with some great R & B songs. A splendid luncheon then awaited the attendees whilst discussing the exciting new features of this magnificent instrument. Thanks to Darren Smith of Musicworks, Murray Hancox and Andy Keys for making the launch so enjoyable to all present.

Yamaha Tyros 4

Murray Hancox, Manager of Atwaters Musicworks Piano and Keyboard Department, welcoming the attendees to the launch of the Yamaha Tyros4                        Andy Keys, Musicworks National Keyboard Demonstrator, highlighting the great new sounds and features of the Yamaha Tyros4

Murray Hancox wrapped-up the Tyros4 launch with some great songs


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