Tuesday, August 3, 2010

An Afternoon with Carole Littlejohn in Papamoa 25th July 2010

An afternoon with Carole Littlejohn at Ocean Shores Village with some of her students and friends from the North Shore Organ and Keyboard Club. Photos courtesy of Colleen Kerr.

When Carole Littlejohn invited Peter Brophy, Gordon Sutherland and Colleen Kerr to come down to Papamoa and participate in a Concert she was putting on for the residents of the Ocean Shores Village, Papamoa, we were delighted to accept the invite. Carole Littlejohn's students and parents after the Concert. Photo courtesy of Colleen KerrFor one reason it was going to be a fun event but also because all three mentioned above and Carole Littlejohn are members of The North Shore Organ and Keyboard Club, Takapuna. Part of the Club's mission is taking our music out to the Community at large (the Club’s Header includes “Proudly bringing music to the Community”) where it is sometimes difficult for senior citizens to travel to outside venues. The North Shore Organ and Keyboard Club players. Left to Right: Gordon Sutherland (Club President); Colleen Kerr (Club Secretary); Carole Littlejohn (Distinguished Member); Peter Brophy (Events Manager)About 150 residents and family members of the participating students turned-up for the afternoon Concert and that made is most satisfying. The audience seemed to love the format of the Concert also, what with variety of instruments, styles of music and experience levels of the participants.

Certainly one of the highlights for the writer was to finish the Concert with a quartet playing: “Cabaret” and “Drifting and Dreaming”. The Quartet consisted of Carole Littlejohn on a Korg Pa1X keyboard; Peter Brophy on a Yamaha PSR-910 keyboard; Colleen Kerr on Yamaha piano; and Gordon Sutherland on his Korg Pa1X keyboard.

 To finish the Concert, left to right: Gordon Sutherland; Colleen Kerr; Carole Littlejohn and Peter Brophy played as a quartet. They played

It certainly is nice to see the youth of today learning to play the keyboard whether that is an electronic keyboard or acoustic piano and this was a great venue for some of Carole’s junior pupils to gain experience playing for a large audience. They acquitted themselves very well it must be said.

A big thank you to Bev Taylor from the Ocean Shores Village for allowing Carole Littlejohn to stage the Concert at their lovely Village. And not forgetting Carole Littlejohn that did a great job organizing the event and then being actively involved in the Concert.

The photos below have been forwarded by email and as such are low resolution. Should anybody want a high resolution copy please contact Gordon Sutherland or Colleen Kerr at the email address in the right hand margin.

  Carole Littlejohn setting-up. Photo courtesy of Colleen Kerr Peter Brophy packing-up after the Concert. Carole Littlejohn and Gordon Sutherland discussing the Concert! Carole Littlejohn and Gordon Sutherland sharing a lighter moment. Peter Brophy unpacking his car at the Ocean Shores Village where the Concert took place. Carole Littlejohn arriving for the Concert Colleen Kerr played some solo pieces on the Yamaha acoustic piano. Colleen also shared the arrival music duties with Peter Brophy and Gordon Sutherland Carole Littlejohn checking-out her Tyros 2 keyboard. Colleen Kerr playing "Ruby" on the Korg Pa1X keyboard. Gordon Sutherland playing his Korg Pa1X for the audience One of Carole Littlejohn's students, Aaron Kiddie, played three pieces for the Concert on his Casio keyboard. Photo courtesy of Colleen Kerr Jordan Oxenham, a student of Carole Littlejohn, played two pieces on the piano and then one piece on the Tyros keyboard accompanied by Carole Littlejohn on a Korg Pa1X keyboard. Jordan Oxenham, a student of Carole Littlejohn, played two pieces on the piano and then one piece on the Tyros keyboard accompanied by Carole Littlejohn on a Korg Pa1X keyboard Carole Littlejohn played some duets with Peter Brophy. Carole does not own a Korg Pa1X and so Peter was here helping her to set-up the keyboard Carole Littlejohn is an accomplished singer as well and here you see her singing along with the keyboard playing A Trio on the one piano. Here we see Carole singing and playing along with her student James Hunter with 'mum' Helen Hunter joining-in the fun! Carole Littlejohn accompanying her students, Mary Cohen on the Tyros 2 and James Hunter on the Korg Pa1X 


  Jordan Oxenham, dancing freestyle to the music "In The Mood"       Liana Douglas, doesn't have a keyboard yet but she sang "Yellow Submarine" and "Yesterday"

Mary Cohen playing the Tyros 2 keyboard with Carole Littlejohn adding accompanyment and vocals.  Mary Cohen playing the Tyros 2 keyboard. Bev Taylor from Ocean Shores Village giving a 'Vote of Thanks' to all the performers in the Concert


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